Distance and E-learning education simply means imparting education from a distance wherein the teacher and the student are physically separated.
The medium of instruction is English comprehensive course content. Comprehensive course content will be supplied to all the students. Students. Enrolled with different programs will receive complete study material in 445 days of payment of full fee. The material supplied will cover the syllabus of the course. Those who wish to take further help can access the library, internet and other sources to widen their knowledge as well as to solve the case studies.
Assignments are in an integral part of the education. The study material supplied will also contain assignment to be submitted by the students to evaluate their performance by the local counsellors.
Local Counsellors will be available during office hours to assist in clearing study related doubts of the students can also seek doubt clearance via internet and subject specialist will answer his quarries within next 24 hours.
Students will get their FAQs removed during weekend classes at the last quarter of the session for better grip of the subject. Project Report/Case Studies : Students will be required to prepare and submit the required report/case studies for evaluation by the subject experts. Students will be given opportunities to discuss with their fellow students to interact to learn the practicality of the cases.
students will get two options to undertake the examination classroom system of examination or home based. The institute will inform well in time to the students for examination schedule and it will be mandatory for all students to appear in the examination at their expenses. The institute will corresponded all documents through ordinary post. In case of delay, also or damage during transit will not be responsibility of the institute. In the personal interest of students, they are advised to keep themselves in touch with the institute for updates and also regularly visit the website. The GTIM reserve the right to add/delete/change/amend the syllabus, course structure, rules and regulations wherever considered necessary and appropriate without any prior notice. The students are advised to keep on login the institute’s website for updates.
Evaluation is concaved, developed and administered on a rigorous and fair basis to bring the best in students and prepare them for challenging careers. The Passing marks to obtain are fixed as 50% The following system will be adopted for expression of
90 & above %B grade
B+ grade
A grade
A+ grade
A++ grade
The result will appear on the institute’s website. All the successful candidates will be awarded with the certification of respected course they appeared as the qualified. Those wish to seek duplicate certification need to approach Institute’s Administration Office or their nearest Center for details of formalities.